We only accept defective goods for exchanges and do not accept for return & refund. If you receive a defective item, please contact us at whatsapp : 011-7117011 with details of the product and the defect.
You can send the defective item to: 20-02, Jalan Molek 1/13, Taman Molek, 81100 Johor bahru. Please provide Tracking number after ship.
Please note that you can claim return within 7 days from delivered date.
Refund Policy (for defective goods only)
1) Credit Card:
If you made an order and paid by credit card(Visa/Master), the credit card transaction will be automatically cancelled. However, period for refund may differ depending on the billing cycle of your credit card company.
Many credit card companies have stated in their terms and conditions that they have the right to take few weeks to credit your account with a refunded amount. Even if your credit card company charged you the fund, you don't have to worry about the refund. Your credit card company will deduct it from next billing cycle.
(If you have an online account for that credit card, you might see the refunded amount reflected, but it may still be processing.)
2) Bank Transfer:
All the refund within 2 working days of payment.